





Vault Agent
Vault Cashier



Activity Description:


               Receive valuables and guard them to a place of high security.



Activity Duration:

15 Minutes




Kids will earn +10 KidZos.



Kids are encourage to take responsibility with integrity as they secure the valuables inside the vault. It also promotes honesty and proper time management to finish the assigned task on time.





Social Skills: Kids are encouraged to express their ideas/opinions and perform according to the task set inside the Vault. At the end they kids are given the reward or the value of their job.
Cognitive Skills: Kids are encourage to apply their mathematical skills by counting currencies, as well as logical thinking in following directions/instructions when they are instructed to go and deliver/pick up valuables on a certain location.



Did You Know?


The vaults of values serve to protect objects of monetary or estimated value such as important papers, coins, jewellery and everything that one wants to protect from insecurity or disasters such as fires, earthquakes or humidity.