

Chocolate Factory

24 Chocolate Factory


  • Chocolatier


Activity Description:


Enjoy more a Chocolaty Life!


Learn and experience the basics of making a chocolate, starting from the ingredients and hands on process of mixing using simulated machines. Then get a bite and enjoy the sweet delicious taste of your own chocolate flavor.


Activity Duration:
20  Minutes


Kids will pay -10 KidZos.


Being a chocolatier sound fun and amazing, thus it requires your passion, patience, attention to details and ability to handle pressure.



  • Creative Thinking Skills: Constantly rely on their creativity to create new chocolate masterpieces.
  • Time management skills: Must be able to complete the required production of chocolates at a certain given time.


Did You Know?

  • Cacao was once used as currency
  • It takes 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate.
  • Each cacao tree produces approximately 2,500 beans.